Four weeks into motherhood and the dreaded has happened... I've lost my styling mojo! People warned me, they said it would ambush me, but not for one instant did I believe it would happen to me!
What I find most disturbing of all is that I no longer seem to care... no longer am I mortally offended by the hideous fabric of the breast-feeding pillow I borrowed... no longer do I hide the awful nappy boxes under the cot... no longer do I bother to put away the baby bath every night (it now lives in the entrance hall of all places!)... no longer do I see what my house actually looks like - and believe me, it looks like my very own version of hell, complete with an overflowing recycling bin and burp cloths flung on every available surface! I knocked over a stack of very artfully arranged vintage books the other day while negotiating the pram down our narrow hallway and I haven't even bothered to re-arrange them... they lay there like forgotten dead things, mocking me every time I rush past with yet another load of washing.
So......... I'm reclaiming my mojo before it decides to take a permanent leave of absence - I figured some inspiring images were in order to remind me exactly why it is I love what I do and why I must fight the good fight to hold onto a small piece of my pre-baby self xx