Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Quirky Tuesday
This weeks "Quirky" award goes to...

this seriously cute chair made from a vintage piece of Samsonite luggage (via Paris Hotel Boutique)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Confessions of a Girly Girl

As regular followers of this blog will attest, I am more than a little taken with the colour pink... so much so that I thought it would be a genetic impossibility for me to produce a hulking baby boy... sadly there will be no pretty floral fabric or Barbie dolls in my child's world (unless of course our buddha baby turns out to have a penchant for polka dot cravats and a love of window treatments!). I have resigned myself to an everyday life of blue - thank God I still have a fantasy land that I can stuff full of PRETTY PINK to keep my inner girly girl happy x
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
English Lesson
Friday, September 17, 2010
Tennis Anyone?

Apologies for my lack of posting and commenting... Little Leo is taking his toll (in the most wonderful possible way!) and I'm feeling a tad weary these days. You can pop over to my other blog Baby Child of Mine to hear about our adventures....
In the mean time, I came across this great mirror idea using vintage tennis rackets - I would never have thought of this in a million years... I love it!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Little Leo
Introducing our little ray of light.....

Leo Justin Steyn
Born: 9 September 2010
Weight: 8 pounds, 6 ounces
Length: 52cm
I feel like I have been handed an angel
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I Feel Pretty
....... actually I don't. Not at all. I feel huge and cumbersome - kind of like a cross between a pigmi hippo and a tug boat! According to Andre, I look "very pregnant" today - every single bit of me is round. So to combat the fact that I can no longer do up my own shoelaces, get up from the sofa unaided or find a top that actually covers my tummy, I have found some pretty interiors to make me feel better... after all, a well dressed room is guaranteed to take my mind off fluid retention every time! And how appropriate that all these images have mirrors in them... the one thing I'm trying to avoid today at all costs!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Latest Freelance Contribution
I wrote and styled the latest 'Insider' article that appears in the October edition of Australian House & Garden magazine. The subject: the exceptionally talented (and beautiful) Amanda Cameron, owner of Sentosa Designs. If you are not familiar with their product, check them out... they stock many delectable, resort-style pieces, just perfect for summer.

I would also like to say a special and collective thank you to all my gorgeous blogging friends who posted such sweet and beautiful comments yesterday... small acts of thoughtful kindness are what touches the hearts of others... you made me smile all day long x
Monday, September 6, 2010
The 6th of September...

Today is the anniversary of my brother's death... it is also my baby's due date.
While I suspect our little Puggle won't make an appearance today, the prophetic nature of this synchronicity is not lost on me. As my Mum just said to me on the phone, the loss of one treasured soul will always be the catalyst for the creation of another... even if that takes 27 years. I miss Justin terribly, especially at this time in my life but I know he will be looking down from on high, protecting us and loving us as always.
Happy days my beautiful brother x
Friday, September 3, 2010
A little slice of heaven for a Friday... enjoy!

Thursday, September 2, 2010
Treat Time
Do I have a treat for you!!!

This gorgeous haven of girly splendour has me all in a tizz this morning.... there are just too many delightful bits of beauty in the one house! Each image has something that I adore, starting with the padded wall panels above - I swooned (literally!)

That staircase was love at first sight!

The masculinity of these chairs is in total contrast to the rest of the house - an unpredictable and stunning choice

Pale blue walls framing a white entry with a mirror collage... love!

So styled but so gorgeous...

White floorboards and contrasting paint detail - a fabulously subtle combo

This little chair is like having royalty sitting in the corner

You already know how I feel about chandeliers over baths!

The perfection of this kitchen can be found in the row of blue canisters... it's the small details that matter the most

Simple, crisp, clean, fresh.... totally serene!
Beach Studios
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Spring Happiness
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