Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday Blessing

Have I mentioned lately how crazy our lives have become now that both my husband and I work from home with a very vocal toddler beneath our feet?  Yes, you're right... I have... repeatedly!  Sorry.  Some days I feel like my brain might actually burn out, that it will start billowing smoke and simply shut down.  I'm developing a Jeckyl & Hyde personality disorder - Mama for two minutes, Designer for one.  But every day I discover new things about myself... like I can simultaneously blog and mash banana, all while playing peek-a-boo with a stuffed rhino!  It is a crazy, chaotic and wonderful life filled with precious moments tucked into the folds of the mayhem.  I am so blessed to spend my days sitting across the studio from the man I love with our beautiful boy quietly chewing carpet samples in the corner.  Life doesn't get much better than this... except maybe when my boys bring me flowers!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone x

Photos by me


Glamour Drops said...

Not sure which is more beautiful - the photographs or the roses themselves! Stunning colours, and such clarity. You make me want to run outside with secateurs and go clipping roses!

Glamour Drops said...

Not sure which is more beautiful - the photographs or the roses themselves! Stunning colours, and such clarity. You make me want to run outside with secateurs and go clipping roses!

Jane said...

Ooh, what pretties, Ang! Goodness, it is a juggle, isn't it. I'm still unsure how I d it with 3 ☺. J x

jules @ The Diversion Project said...

oh they're gorgeous, lucky thing. mothers are expert jugglers arent we?! xxx

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