Wednesday, March 16, 2011

House Tour - Come Along With Me My Pretty

The chairs, the dust pink satin drapes, the vintage wallpaper, the crystal chandeliers, the oversize mirrors, the fluffy animal hides, the BATH... if I lived all alone, with no grotty boys and just a cat for company, this would be the house I'd choose!

If I had to pick a favourite feature it would be those pink drapes - the colour is so perfectly and obscenely girly, I can feel the seven-year-old inside me crying with longing.  What's your favourite feature?


Dream House Trish said...

Angela can I come live with you & can I sleep in the room with the oversize leaning mirror that shows off the gorgeous chandelier. Wouldn't it fantastic to have a long soak in that glamorous tub!!

Emma said...

I love them ALL! But if I had to choose it would be the pelmets that are used in the bathroom and the bedroom with the curtains because we have ones exactly the same in our house and I was unsure what to do with them - this has me convinced I should keep them! Loving those long luxurious curtains in a bathroom.

Simone - honeyandfizz said...

What a gorgeous bathroom! I also love the wallpaper and the huge mirror in the bedroom xx

Yvonne - Frl. Klein said...

Beautiful images! I love the bathroom!
Especially the wallpaper!

Anonymous said...

that vintage white cupboard with screen doors is calling my name! lovely.

K said...

Your blog is stunningly beautiful!

And that house is gorgeous!

Sarah MacMillan {Prairie Perch} said...

Love that floor mirror! Beautiful.

Gracefully Vintage said...

so beautiful -I just adore those images, they are so breath taking and inpsiring.. Love the Curtains as well.
Thanks for your commments..

Tesca said...

What a beautiful house tour, I am in love with it, especially the floor mirror... and your blog design looks amazing.
Thanks for your nice comment ;-)


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