Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Photo Challenge

In a bid to improve my photography skills, I'm going to attempt to post more of my shots for your critique.  I'm slowly learning how to operate my Canon EOS 500D manually... for someone who had only a vague notion of what an F Stop was until this week, it's proving quite a task!  But I'm totally addicted and have set up little makeshift "studios" all around the house.

A friend came over yesterday, saw our dining table covered in cotton reels with bits of white cardboard propped up all around the place and thought I was going nuts!  Other people watch Oprah while the baby sleeps... I run around with a tripod and camera trying to catch the light!

This one didn't really work... I think the ISO setting was too low but I love the colour combination


Lounging with a Latte said...

I don't know the intracasies of photography, I tend to just 'point and shoot'!! I love looking at others beautiful shots though and loved your cotton reels, especially the last one, the colours and just great. I look forward to seeing more.

Emma said...

Looking good! I love the colours too, keep going :) Stopping by from BYW

Michelle said...

Hello Angela, I found your blog through 'a creative mint.' I took the BYW class last spring - it was such fun. It's great to find another Aussie Interior Designer with a blog! I have enjoyed hearing about your photography here, don't worry I do the same, run around with the camera, snapping this and snapping that. I find it a fun an extremely creative element in my life. Isn't Leslie amazingly talented - her blog is one of my favourites. Enjoy the course!
x Michelle
MD Interior Design

Sandrine said...

I love the colours you have there, gorgeous great job!
I laugh about the comment about the table covered with things :) I just feel a little better :)
Sandrine x

Amanda (Small Acorns) said...

Oh I know exactly what you're going through! Funnilpy enough I tried to photograph cotton reels too. The result was less than spectacular. Think I might need to upgrade my wee camera. It's only a point and shoot, but has always served me so well. xx

Jane said...

Oh, Ang, you're making such a great start. Like Amanda, I only have a Sony digital camera. One day I'll invest in one like yours, until then, I'm happy to watch you learn to use it!

J x

Anonymous said...

Beautiful compositions!
I especially like the one in the centre!
I really like the combination of colours and form you got there. I used to own a 400 D (canon) and it was a pretty good camera so 500 D must be very similar! You made a good choice!
I suggest from my experience you may put a standard 100 ISO when you shot details in a studio because if you put more the photo quality would loose a bit and details would not be sharp as you may you want to be(or so I had been told).

Barbara from BYW classes :)

Neenna said...

These are great shots. Love the cotton reels styling. Well done!

Van Bueno from BYW class

Anonymous said...

hello! I'm Megan, a fellow BYW student. Gorgeous blog, and I know the feeling: I've been darting around trying to catch the light and try remember what the F-stop should be, shutter speed et al! I'm sure we'll get there in the end!

Unknown said...

i love the spools!!

leslie said...

That was me. Taking photos well my daughter and son napped! Good job!!!!

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